

VigRX Plus® Ingredients & Formulation


VigRX Plus® Ingredients & Formulation

The VigRX Plus Formulation

A scientific formulation designed to suit your sexual needs and ensure optimal results.

This formulation contains scientifically tested, safest, and most potent aphrodisiacs from the world over which help attain:

  • Sexual gratification and passion
  • Firmer and lasting erection

The question arises what are the active ingredients in Vigrx Plus? Here is the list of constituents in VigRX supplements…with added benefits of Bioperine, which helps to make the product even more effective. Our knowledge of these ingredients and their benefits is backed by clinical studies to prove their actions.

Bioperine As VigRx Ingredient

What is Bioperine?
Bioperine is the active ingredient in black pepper that contributes to that unique spice you taste. Of the many benefits offered, the one most talked about is its ability to increase the level of absorption of nutrients within your body also referred to as “bioenhancement,” meaning that you get more out of other nutrients that you consume in the form of supplements.

Damiana As VigRx Ingredient

Damiana popularly known as Turnera aphrodisiaca is a small size plant with yellow flowers and fragrant soft leaves. Damiana is best known as a potent aphrodisiac and bladder tonic. It is a common ingredient in many male enhancement supplements because of its sexual stimulant action.

Epimedium Leaf Extract As VigRx Ingredient

Also known as Horny goat weed is a genus of flowering plants in the family Berberidaceae.The active ingredient in Epimedium Leaf extract is Icariin, known as a prenylated flavonoid compound that has been shown to exert much of its aphrodisiac effect. Icariin exhibits an inhibitory mechanism against PDE-5, thereby helping you achieve erections, without any side effects.

Asian Red Ginseng As VigRx Ingredient

Ginseng is commonly referred to as the King of all herbs, and is found to be a promising agent to improve general well-being. It is a reputed aphrodisiac, and is used to treat sexual dysfunction as well as to enhance sexual behavior. In addition, ginseng is found to improve the sperm quality and count of healthy individuals as well as patients with treatment-related infertility. These actions are mostly attributed to ginsenosides, its major pharmacological active component.

Muira Pauma Bark Extract As VigRx Ingredient

Muira puama or potency wood is known to increase sexual desire in 60% of men with initial low libido and improves erectile function in 50% of men with a poor erection. In addition, it promotes brain development and healing, decreases stress, body fat percentage, cholesterol, and aids in sexual performance.

Hawthorn Berry As VigRx Ingredient

One of the oldest-known medicinal plants, hawthorn was first recorded as good for heart health in the first century by Greek herbalists who identified bioflavonoids, proanthocyanidins and other antioxidants as the active ingredients making Hawthorne extremely effective.The phytonutrients of the hawthorn plant are the key to the way it helps your heart & are valuable in the early stages of heart disease, from improving blood flow to the blood vessels around your heart and brain, to increasing tolerance to the heart muscle due to a lack of oxygen.

Catuaba Bark Extract As VigRx Ingredient

Catuaba is the #1 herbal aphrodisiac found in Brazil, with a very long history of use for Men and Women. It also has been known to improve mood, immunity and overall vitality. Catuaba bark extract helps relax the penile tissue and is an important step in achieving successful erections

Saw Palmetto As VigRx Ingredient

Studies have proven that Saw Palmetto helps in improving testosterone count in men. It is one of the most important ingredients in formulation of VigRX.

Ginkgo Biloba As VigRx Ingredient

Ginkgo Biloba – a Chinese herb is a popular supplement with manifold therapeutic properties. Gingko contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids, (antioxidants) that provide protection against oxidative cell damage from harmful free radicals. Ginkgo biloba offers a range of health benefits, including improving cognitive function, increase in sexual energy and improved blood flow to various body parts including penile area.